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It is with immense pleasure and immeasurable joy for us to welcome you to New Life Theological Seminary. We are blessed to have you with us, for you are getting ready to embark on an exciting journey exploring God's Word and the history of Christianity.


-Dr. Karen L. Hale

Founder & President



The mission of the New Life Theological Seminary is to create an educational environment in which students may obtain foundations Biblical instruction, which will teach them to effectively “dissect” the Word of God. Ultimately, our mission is to help train men and women to be effective disciples for Christ. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15). In addition, it is our desire to equip each student through the teaching of the Bible, how to effectively apply the Word of God His Biblical principles in their day to day walk, so that they may live victoriously, and in doing so draw others to Christ. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). 


The vision of this college is to advance the Kingdom of God through the in-depth and prayerful impartation of His Word. Through obedience to His guidance and the support of a dedicated faculty and staff, this vision has come to pass. New Life Theological Seminary is available to pastors, church leaders, and parishioners who desire to launch out into the “deep” things of God. It is through studying His Word with a hunger and thirst for greater understanding under the tutelage and guidance of qualified instructors that this is accomplished.

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2024-2025 School Catalog

The school catalog for our Bible college provides information about all of our programs, courses, and degree offerings. It also outlines college policies, admission requirements, and financial aid opportunities. We are committed to providing students with all the information they need to make an informed decision about their academic path and to succeed in their studies. Our school catalog is updated each year to ensure students have the most up-to-date information. To view our school catalog, please visit our website.

Catalog, Tuition, Fees, and Financial Agreements

  Registration, Tuition, and Fees can be paid by:

1) Check or money order. Payable to New Life Theological Seminary., PO Box 1248, Hope Mills, NC 28348. 


2) Cash App $NLTSNC

3) Givelify Website (click here) and/or Givelify App (click here) Search for New Life Ministries of Hope Mills then select the New Life Bible College envelope.


NLTSNC Transcript Form (pdf)
2024-2025 NLTS Year One Master Program Financial Requirements Tuition (pdf)
2024-2025 NLTS Bachelor Program Financial Requirements Tuition (pdf)
Financial installment agreement form (pdf)
2024-2025 NLTS Year Two Master Program Financial Requirements Tuition (pdf)
2024-2025 NLTS Doctoral Program Financial Requirements Tuition (pdf)
2024-2025 NLTS Associate Program Financial Requirements Tuition (pdf)

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New Life Theological Seminary.

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