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Compass Pointing North


New Life Ministries (NLM) is a trend setting apostolic company, prophetically motivated, living as a city set on a hill (Matthew 5:14). We are dedicated to manifesting a kingdom culture which embraces lifestyles and principles of integrity, loyalty, honor, sincerity, excellence, morality and Christian character. We are characterized by our commitment to discover, develop, and deploy the unique giftedness of every believer, leader, and minister for the strengthening and establishing of the local church and the Body of Christ.


We are a house of prayer for all nations which recognizes that every generation needs an expression of freedom and liberty in worship that is rich with individual diversity. Affirming that the foundations for empowerment for every nation is a life of communion with the Godhead, allowing access to and interaction with the heavenly realm, enabling the proceeding Word of God to be made manifested.


We are servants of hope. Practicing the Presence and Power of Christ to bring healing to the scars and bruises of life, deliverance from the forces of oppression and liberty for limiting beliefs. And our effectiveness is evident because those we touch are released to their full potential in Christ Jesus.


Knowing that it is the Mind and the Purpose of God for every believer to be financially free in order to enlarge Christ’s Kingdom. We are committed to the ongoing education and economic development of the Body so that the church in its entirety may realize the authority and dominion of its inheritance in the world of business and commerce.


We are persuaded that it is the intention of God to manifest His glory among the nations. Having the awareness that the universe reveals His majesty and awesome splendor, we are a witness to His ongoing creativity in the total redemption of the arts and the humanities, telling His story among the world in many forms. We are a center for the creativeness of the Spirit to be expressed through the artists of every stream that move in and among our community of the faith.


We are a people of exuberance and unending optimism, filled with a promise that defines all opposition, and are incurable in our conviction that the worst is over, and the best is yet to come. Therefore, we are a beacon of light in the darkness, a refuge in the storm, an aid in troublesome times, an awesome threat to the enemies of our Lord and an unshakable manifestation of God’s unending faithfulness and grace.

Matthew 13:23 AMP

"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the one who hears the Word and understands and grasps it; he indeed bears fruit and yields, some a hundred times [as much as was sown], some sixty times [times as much], and some thirty."

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